Tuesday 25 October 2011

Causes Lung Disease

Causes Lung Disease
There are many diseases or disorders associated with the respiratory system of humans. Get your laptop or PC and check online - you will know that these diseases usually affect the mouth, nose, larynx, throat, trachea, bronchi, and especially the lungs. There are several types of lung diseases known to man. The same as the security provided by the indemnity car accident, knowing what is ahead is simply reassuring. Generally, each type has different causes and symptoms. Therefore, we welcome everyone to read through this site and learn more about respiratory diseases related to being equipped with the proper protection.

There are more than 100 different interstitial lung diseases. In about 70 percent of patients the cause of the disease remains unknown. Known causes are occupational and environmental inhaled irritants (dust, gases, fumes or aerosols), radiation, poisons and drugs.

Lung cancer is the second most common cancer in the UK. It is one of the few cancers where there is an obvious cause in many cases.

Smoking and lung cancer

In most people, lung cancer is related to smoking. Although some people who have never smoked lung cancer, smoking causes nine out of 10 cases.

More cigarettes you smoke, you are more likely to develop lung cancer. But the length of time you have been a heavy smoker is also important. Start smoking at a young age also increases the risk. Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer. But pipe smokers and cigar are always much more likely to have lung cancer than non-smokers. Passive smoking (inhaling cigarette smoke of others) increases the risk of lung cancer, but it is still much less than if you smoke.

As soon as you stop smoking, your risk of lung cancer begins to descend. However long you've been smoking, it is always interesting to give up.

Other risk factors

The second risk factor most important for lung cancer is exposure to radon. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that can seep into the ground. Other risk factors include less air pollution, exposure to certain chemicals, previous lung disease, family history of lung cancer, cancer treatment and having spent immunity poor. In some people who get lung cancer there is no obvious risk factors.

1 comment:

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